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Moving to Amsterdam checklist

The boxes are in the room, still packed. The moving van is pulling out of the street. Welcome to your new home! At last, you have time to arrange those last few important matters. Like submitting your new address. With this checklist, you won't forget anything! Also, convenient if you are going to move house

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You can report your change of address to most organisations before you move. It's quite easy. But you were probably busy packing, painting and arranging movers at the time. Luckily, you can still let them know your new address even after you have moved house.

1. Municipality of Amsterdam

Are you moving house within Amsterdam or to Amsterdam? If so, always notify the municipality of Amsterdam () of this. You do not need to deregister from your old municipality.

Are you moving to a different municipality? Then notify them of your change of address there. You do not need to deregister with the municipality of Amsterdam. This happens automatically.

The municipality will notify other organisations of your new address. You therefore do not need to notify them of your change of address. Such as Regional Public Water Authority Amstel, Gooi en Vecht () for your water authority tax assessment.

2. Waternet (tap water)

In Amsterdam, you receive tap water from Waternet. It is important that you submit your new address to Waternet yourself. You may also receive the annual water authority tax assessment bill from Waternet. You do not need to pass on any details for this.

Useful to know

  • Luckily, water already flows out of the taps in your new home. So, you will never run out of water!
  • You can submit your change of address starting from 3 months before your move until 3 months after your move.
  • Tip: on the day you move house, write down the meter reading of your new address.

Did you receive water from a supplier other than Waternet before this? Always notify your old supplier that you are moving. For example, at:

Not sure who you are getting your tap water from right now? Check your water company on the Vewin website.

3. Energy, internet and telephone

Obviously, you will be nowhere without internet. And it would be nice if the lights and heating keep on working too. So please pass on your new address in time to:

  • Energy provider
  • Internet provider (arrange this before you move, as it usually takes several weeks):
  • Telephone provider

4. Financial matters

Needless to say, you don't want to miss out on important mail from your bank or insurance company. Even though a lot of mail is sent digitally these days. Consider:

  • Your bank
  • Insurance companies, like your health insurance
  • Employer or educational institution
  • Webshops (nothing more annoying than missing your parcel)

5. Health

It is comforting to have a GP and dentist in the neighbourhood. So, register yourself straight away at:

Will you stay with your current GP and dentist? Notify them of your new address as well.

6. Subscriptions and memberships

And, of course, don't forget to notify friends, family and neighbours of your new address. Also think about the new residents of your old address. They might still receive mail for you and can forward it on to you!

Having mail forwarded

You can have your mail forwarded to your new address for a period of time. This way, you can be sure that you will never miss out on any mail. You can do this via PostNL () (in Dutch). Please note: This service costs money.


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